The Astrology of Color : What Your Birth month Color Says About Your trait
#AstrologyofColor is a way for people to tune into the colors they're drawn
to and how to will the power of each color, she says. It's a method of
self-reflection and acknowledgment of the way you feel about a
particular shade.
not about your favorite color," It's about a color
that, when you use it, makes you feel more balanced."
What does your birth month color reveal about you?
Here's everything you need to know about Astrology of Color:
For example, April's color—Cayenne—represents courage, passion, and strength, But if you're either overly courageous or too shy, then Cayenne can balance those qualities out, bringing you to a more neutral position. In other words, just channeling your birth month color by wearing or looking at it will, theory, give you what you need that day.
Of course, if the trait you need isn't part of your birth color, no worries—expose yourself to the color that's associated with that quality and you should reap the bennies, too.
"It doesn't have to be dramatic," . "You don't have to paint the house. You don't even have to wear the whole color. We're working with subtle energy, so less can be very powerful." Painting your nails and toes or sporting a scarf in that shade should do it.
Every month has a color that's associated with three key traits:
January: Caramel
Key Traits: Practical, Determined, Builder
February: Sheer Lilac
Key Traits: Uplifting, Progressive, Detached.
March: Fair Aqua
Key Traits: Fiery, Energetic, Courageous
May: Bud Green
Key Traits: Healing, Rejuvenating, Prosperous
June: Aspen Gold
Key Traits: Radiant, Intellectually Energizing, Uplifting
July: Coral Blush
Key Traits: Soothing, Receptive, Nurturing
August: Sun Orange
Key Traits: Regal, Inspiring, Powerful
September: Baja Blue
Key Traits: Divine, Discerning, Artistic
October: Cerulean
Key Traits: Peaceful, Poised, Balanced
November: Claret Red
Key Traits: Intense, Passionate, Transforming
December: Pagoda Blue
Key Traits: Wisdom, Truth, Vision
If you're born toward the end of the month, Bernhardt recommends
looking at both your birth month's color and the next one to get the
full picture of your personality traits. But whatever your natural
disposition, "the color of that month helps you balance those