Saturn is the sole ruler of the sign of Capricorn, and in astrological terms, it represents, among others, the Principle of Restriction and Containment. Capricorn is thus in sharp contrast to its preceding sign of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, which signals expansion and growth. In mythology, Saturn (Greek: Cronus) is the father of Jupiter (Zeus) and is overthrown by him. The elder Titan deity's reign, the mythical Golden Age, ends when the Olympian Zeus casts his padre down. These two gods perfectly represent the difference between the Sagitarius and the Cap man—the former, the scion archetype, the arriviste Zeus, is on his way up, and the latter, the fallen archetype, the superannuated, ousted incumbent "Grandpa" Cronus is on his way out. ALSO READ: Capricorn Monthly Horoscope, Base on Transiting MARS Aspect in Natal NORTH NODE... Capricorn man , whose sign is fittingly associated with the retiring age group 63–70, personifies this lame-duck energy,...