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Sparks fly when one person's Pluto ( Your Partner ) connects with another person's Ascendant ( You ) In Conjunction Aspect in Synastry . This is a powerful combination indicating a dynamic relationship.  ๐Ÿ‘‰ Synastry , also known as the relationship astrology, is an interpretation of any established relationships, be it professional, marital, romantic relationships, or others between individuals.. - It is important to note that the Ascendant-Pluto conjunction can have both positive and negative aspects.

Powerful secrets of PISCES

You thrive on solitude, intrigue and confidential information, Pisces.  Yours is the natural Sign of secrets, so its understandable that you operate in a soft-spoken way. You do have well-kept secrets, one being your incredible inner strength and strong streak of ..... -

Scorpio + Scorpio Tapping into Each Other’s Creativity

What might happen when a pair of ''SCORPIO'' taps into each other’s creative energy Tapping In The nature of your relationship with Scorpio will determine how this creative exchange might work.  The approach of a Scorpio friend would differ from that of a parent, lover, spouse or friend.  Scorpio and Scorpio Tapping into Each Other’s Creativity  A powerhouse. There’s no other way to describe what happens when a pair of Scorpios tap into each other’s creative energy to solve problems, brainstorm, research and find that bottom line. 


The combination of the planets Saturn ( You )   and Pluto ( Your Partner ) Conjuction Aspect in Synastry ,  indicates that this is an important relationship, although not necessarily a personal one.  ๐Ÿ‘‰ Synastry , also known as the relationship astrology, is an interpretation of any established relationships, be it professional, marital, romantic relationships, or others between individuals.. -

The Universe Has An Important Message For this 4 Zodiac Signs On This year ahead September 2024

Starting  September 10, 2024. Hello in there, Leo ...  can you hear me? That's what the universe is trying to say to you at this point, and there's a reason why: you haven't been listening. On September 10, the universe will remind you that you need to start paying you used to. OK, you used to do things a certain way, and then, you slowed down. You thought you could get away with it, and before you knew it, it all became a lifestyle, and during Moon square Saturn, the universe will let you know that you have got to make some hefty changes. It's easy to get stuck in a rut and even easier not to recognize when you're in one because it becomes your new comfort zone. But you do notice when you miss out on stuff, and that's what's been happening. That's your wake-up call, Leo, and that's what the universe is trying to tell you on this day: Wake up and get out of that rut.. Sagittarius ... What you've been experiencing is a sort of st

Expert tip for ♏ Scorpio's verbal advantage

Relationships are often made or broken by one's conversational style. It's not just what you say, but how you say it. In conversing, you Scorpios have great power to heal people and situations; so use it wisely.  Here are some tips from communication experts that are especially attuned to your Sign... Deep and intense, you like your words to carry weight, to guide, change or advise others. But when it's blunt, direct advising fails.  Be indirect, and avoid heavy-handed manipulation that can make you seem threatening. The most effective talk tools for transforming others in positive ways to include the following. Conversational allowing consists of taking longer than usual pauses to provide the space for another to offer his or her input.  Reflection is the process of repeating back a condensed version of what another has said to confirm that you've understood. Interpretation i

♉ Taurus Dating a ♏ Scorpio

  Ideal Earth and water. The chemistry sounds perfect, doesn’t it? Water nourishes earth and earth holds and contains water. However, every sign has a polar opposite—Aries/Libra, Taurus/Scorpio, Gemini/Sagittarius and so on around the zodiac.