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NORTH NODE - MOON Synastry in SQUARE Aspect

This is a significant combination in Synastry or relationship astrology, indicating a strong emotional bond with far-reaching consequences for both MOON ( Your Partner ) and NORTH NODE ( You ) . When the North Node of one person's birth chart forms a square or opposition aspect with the Moon of another person's birth chart in a synastry analysis, it suggests a dynamic and potentially challenging aspect between these two energies. 

SATURN - CHIRON Synastry in TRINE Aspect

When   SATURN ( You ) and CHIRON ( Your Partner ) Trine or Sextile Aspect in Synastry or relationship Astrology, first meet, they experience a deep-seated feeling that they have met before. 👉 Synastry , also known as the relationship astrology, is an interpretation of any established relationships, be it professional, marital, romantic relationships, or others between individuals.. -

MERCURY - URANUS Synastry in SQUARE Aspect

A lively and unpredictable relationship is the result of this Mercury ( You ) and  Uranus ( Your Partner ) Synastry combination of planets in Square or Opposition Aspect.  👉 Synastry , also known as the relationship astrology, is an interpretation of any established relationships, be it professional, marital, romantic relationships, or others between individuals.. - MERCURY ( You ) Opposition URANUS ( Your Partner ) enjoy the meeting of two minds and the sense of freedom that they experience in each other's company. At first they both enjoy the tension that crackles between them, but this soon becomes irritating.  The problem is that there is no peace to be experienced in this relationship. The constant tension of two people having different ideas is a challenge. What seemed like a meeting of two minds soon becomes a clashing of two minds. Another obstacle to a close bond is a lack of commitment.  As the relationship develops MERCURY ( You ) Opposition URANUS ( Y...

LEO WOMAN: The Sign of Sexual Expression

  Leo Woman the knockout  Leo woman is the prime mover of the zodiac.  No other individual possesses her power and determination for achieving goals, sexual or otherwise. Burning with desire. she attacks life, letting nothing stand in the way of her hunt for fulfillment.


 Saturn is the sole ruler of the sign of Capricorn, and in astrological terms, it represents, among others, the Principle of Restriction and Containment.  Capricorn  is thus in sharp contrast to its preceding sign of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, which signals expansion and growth. In mythology, Saturn (Greek: Cronus) is the father of Jupiter (Zeus) and is overthrown by him.  The elder Titan deity's reign, the mythical Golden Age, ends when the Olympian Zeus casts his padre down. These two gods perfectly represent the difference between the Sagitarius and the Cap man—the former, the scion archetype, the arriviste Zeus, is on his way up, and the latter, the fallen archetype, the superannuated, ousted incumbent "Grandpa" Cronus is on his way out.  ALSO READ: Capricorn Monthly Horoscope, Base on Transiting MARS Aspect in Natal NORTH NODE... Capricorn man , whose sign is fittingly associated with the retiring age group 63–70, personifies this lame-duck energy,...

TAURUS WOMAN: The Sign of Sexual Response

  Taurus Woman - the ideal  Taurus woman is the zodiac's barefoot contessa, a sort of tribal princess who embodies the combined spirit of regal immunity and pastoral naïveté.  In every aspect, she is a "living doll"—an infinitely fun-loving character who approaches life with an unspoilt, childlike vision and in so doing, she freely spreads joy. 

What kind of ♓ PISCES lover are you?

What kind of ♓ PISCES lover are you?   Your Pisces Sun Sign describes your character traits.  Your Venus Sign (constellation in which these planets appears at your birth), shows how you approach romance. See which of these Venus/love traits sounds like you: