VENUS - MOON Synastry/Composite in TRINE Aspect
Compatibility is the key theme to this combination of personal planets. This is an ideal combination for an intimate relationship. MOON ( Your Partner ) and VENUS ( You ) TRINE Aspect in Synastry or Composite Chart, feel comfortable with each other, confident that they understand each other's feelings and share a common bond. When these two planets are in Trine aspect , their energies flow together smoothly and supportively, creating a sense of emotional understanding and comfort between the individuals involved. They may even feel that they have found their soul-mate, someone who understands them at a deep level and in whose company they take great pleasure. It's likely that MOON ( Your Partner ) and VENUS ( You ) have a lot in common and enjoy sharing their personal life and pastimes. Romance is at the heart of this relationship. MOON ( Your Partner ) and VENUS ( You ) delight in spending time together pursuing artistic pleasures, visiting the theatre, art