MOON - MOON Synastry in Square Aspect

This is a difficult Synastry combination for close, personal relationships whether they be friendships or love relationships. 

However it is not unusual to see a connection between two lovers' Moons. 
  • 👉 Synastry, also known as the relationship astrology, is an interpretation of any established relationships, be it professional, marital, romantic relationships, or others between individuals..
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Emotional tensions can arise easily through misunderstandings. In the long term unresolved tension can lead to breakdowns in the relationship. Therefore it is important to resolve emotional problems rather than leave them in the hope that everything will turn out all right in the end. The problem is not a lack of care or love. 

In fact MOON ( You ) and MOON ( Your Partner ) Square, Sesquisquare, Aspect in Synastry, can be very much in love and are often baffled as to why they just can't seem to feel secure within a loving relationship. 

The problem is that both MOON ( You ) and MOON ( Your Partner ) seek comfort and emotional satisfaction in different ways. This is where the misunderstandings arise. Perhaps one of them likes action in times of stress while the other likes to withdraw and ponder on the best path forward. Possibly one person wants to seek comfort in the arms of their loved one when faced with life's stresses, while the other wants to create some alone time. 

Whatever the manner in which MOON ( You ) and MOON ( Your Partner ) seek comfort it is likely to differ from each other. There is a positive side. 

This combination enables MOON ( You ) and MOON ( Your Partner ) to develop a better understanding of the each other, particularly if they can maintain a compassionate and understanding approach. It is also possible that other aspects of their personal charts mean that they enjoy a little spice in life. Perhaps a little tension is better than a void? If both people are committed to working through emotional problems this can lead to a satisfying and rewarding relationship.

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius):

Fire signs are known for their passion, enthusiasm, and adventurous spirit. In romance, they are ardent and spontaneous, often sweeping their partners off their feet with grand gestures and exciting experiences. However, their fiery nature can also lead to impatience and a need for constant stimulation.

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn):

Earth signs are grounded, practical, and sensual. They express their love through acts of service, thoughtful gifts, and creating a stable, comfortable environment for their partners. They value loyalty and commitment, but can sometimes be seen as overly cautious or resistant to change.

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius):

Air signs are intellectual, communicative, and social. They are drawn to partners who can engage them in stimulating conversations and share their love for new ideas and experiences. Their romantic approach is often playful and lighthearted, but they may struggle with emotional intimacy and commitment.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces):

Water signs are deeply emotional, intuitive, and empathetic. They crave emotional connection and intimacy, often expressing their love through heartfelt gestures and acts of devotion. They are incredibly sensitive and nurturing, but can also be prone to mood swings and jealousy.


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