Interpreting SOLAR Return Chart without time of birth or 12 House System

 The solar return chart is very simple to interpret, and it is probably the easiest predictive technique to use. The most important thing to remember about the interpretation of the solar return chart is that it can be treated like a natal. If you can interpret a natal chart, then you can interpret a solar return. None of your expertise in natal interpretation will be lost.

When interpreting a Solar Return chart, most astrologers have an area of primary focus. For me, that starting point is the Nodes of the Moon, which indicate the most profound is-sues each of us is working on in this lifetime.

The Nodes of the Moon are not planetary bodies; they are points formed by the Moon's orbit around the Earth intersecting with the Earth's path around the Sun. Read here for more about The NORTH NODE in your yearly Solar return chart

Almost anything you do to a natal can also be done to a solar return. Astrologers have successfully used hemispheric emphasis, elements, modes, asteroids, Sabian symbols, and general interpretation to understand solar returns. Probably almost any astrological technique will yield an accurate interpretation as long as you are willing to work with the technique long enough to become familiar with the manifestation. Observation is the key to understanding new applications.

The major difference between solar return interpretation and natal interpretation is the matter of time. The solar return is a temporary chart, and therefore the action unfolds and proceeds more quickly. You are not dealing with a lifelong pattern, but a manifestation that lasts for approximately one year.

Interpretations are more concentrated since time is compressed. What is seen as a drawn out or intermittent tendency in the natal chart, becomes a prominent issue or theme in the short span of the solar return. Reading the solar return chart like a temporary natal may be a difficult task when you are first starting out.

For Beginner, and for Dummy use, you can also read solar return chart without time of birt or house system 
here the method...

SOLAR RETURN CHART BASIC : from first house to 12 house 

From year to year, the Sun passes through the Solar return chart in a clockwise direction, falling into every third house for those people who remain in the same location. For example..

Retrograde Planets 

Do not pay attention to retrograde outer planets in the solar return. There is about a 50/ 50 chance that the outer planets will be retrograde since they are each retrograde for almost six months out of the year. Generally, if an outer planet is positioned ninety degrees or more after your Sun’s zodiacal placement, and not less than ninety degrees before your Sun’s placement, it will be retrograde. Half of the population will have a retrograde Pluto in their solar returns this year .

 Some individuals will have Pluto retrograde in their solar return charts throughout their entire lifetime.

 Therefore, consider the retrogradation of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto meaningless in the broad context of solar return interpretation . The interpretation of retrograde Mercury, Venus, and Mars, however, is very important.

Of the eight placements Venus has in the solar return chart, one is usually consistently retrograde, though irregularities occur. Venus retrograde indicates a time of comparison and contrast.. Read more..

When Mars is retrograde in the solar return chart, the individual must work with the process of self-motivation. This is a good time to work on a long-term project, especially one involving the need to repeatedly push yourself toward achievement.. Read more...

Mercury is usually retrograde in the solar return chart every six years. When Mercury is retrograde, it is time to be introspective, especially about those things related to Mercury's house placement.. Read more...

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