The cancer Zodiac stellium culture
🌊a sea of emotions taking control of whatever planets and houses the stellium is in
🌊logic, rationality? What’s that ??? never heard of it
🌊hard core lovers, there isn’t a single person in their lives that they don’t care about
- READ 2020 MONTHLY Astrological review for all Zodiac Sign --->>>
🌊prone to victimizing themselves
🌊would make great singer/songwriters or poets if mercury or 3rd house is involved
🌊loyal to a fault
🌊has so much empathy almost to their detriment, they feel and are affected by other people’s emotions more than anyone else
🌊need a cozy comfortable home to retreat to
🌊making the best parents and partners, very nurturing
🌊need emotional outlets, such as exercise or art, or else they will swallow them whole
🌊having the most trouble breaking out of their shell, comfort is a blessing and a curse to them because they need it, but it also holds them back