The Secret Meaning of your DREAM about JESUS CHRIST
Your Dream often announce what future hold to your for the next few day, So for Example you Dream About Lord JESUS, Here are the secret meaning
For ancient elders it is said that "the cross means calvary, pain and suffering like what Jesus went through before he was resurrected. Read more... Full story with Dream Case Study
Remember for a moment what is written in the Bible, specifically in Genesis 1: 3 which says “Let there be light!” Where, God said, “Let there be light; and there was light! ”
The Bible also says "This is the first day!"
And as it has been said, “it is very bright in your dream, to show what will happen next in the coming days, weeks or months, which will definitely have a big change in your life, in your decision or in your decision. ! ” And it will be “the beginning of a new phase that you will tread in the coming years or months!” Read more... Full story with Dream Case Study
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