MERCURY - MOON Synastry in SQUARE Aspect

Arguments can cause upset feelings in a relationship with this Synastry combination of planets Mercury Square or Opposition Moon. 

All types of associations can suffer some setbacks under this influence, but personal relationships are particularly fraught with difficulties. 
  • 👉 Synastry, also known as the relationship astrology, is an interpretation of any established relationships, be it professional, marital, romantic relationships, or others between individuals..
  • -
Friction seems to result no matter how MERCURY ( you ) Square or Opposition MOON ( Your Partner ) try to approach each other on intimate matters. MERCURY ( you ) Square or Opposition MOON ( Your Partner ) relationship suffers because of unspoken problems, or perhaps either MOON ( Your Partner ), or  MERCURY ( you ) speaks their mind too often. Either way the problem is communication. No matter how hard both MERCURY ( you ), Square or Opposition MOON ( Your Partner ) try they cannot seem to understand each other's way of seeing things and how each other feels. MOON ( Your Partner ), communicates on an intuitive or feeling level whereas MERCURY ( you ) is the more rational thinker. 

As a result MERCURY ( you ) Square or Opposition MOON ( Your Partner ) alternate between passion and rationality, having difficulty understanding the other person. MERCURY ( you ) Square or Opposition MOON ( Your Partner )  behaviour seems at odds with their needs, and they do not seem to be able to comfortably settle down in the relationship. On a more positive note MOON ( Your Partner ), and MERCURY ( you ) may not mind a little friction in their intimate relationship. 

However, it's more likely that MERCURY ( you ) Square or Opposition MOON ( Your Partner ) would both do well to work on their communication skills. As a result MERCURY ( you ) Square or Opposition MOON ( Your Partner ) can develop skills which help to overcome the problems enabling them to better understand each other.

Mystery and Magnetism:

  • Scorpio women have an aura of mystery about them, which can be both attractive and intimidating.
  • They are often private and reserved, preferring to keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves.
  • However, this mystery also creates a magnetic pull that draws people in.


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