TAURUS WOMAN: The Sign of Sexual Response


Taurus Woman - the ideal 

Taurus woman is the zodiac's barefoot contessa, a sort of tribal princess who embodies the combined spirit of regal immunity and pastoral naïveté. 

In every aspect, she is a "living doll"—an infinitely fun-loving character who approaches life with an unspoilt, childlike vision and in so doing, she freely spreads joy. 

Taurus feels it her purpose to create a little bit of heaven here on earth, on one level procuring, and indulging in, as much epicurean delight as she might; while, on another, living as if it were a sacred right to do so. 

Professionally, she tends to pursue careers that perpetuate her carefree sensibility, providing her a sense of play while offering amusement to others. Though she is a materialist of the first order, she espouses simple luxuries, viewing wealth as a natural birthright, often dedicating herself to the needy and particularly to children. Her guileless glee and secure sense of self make others feel as if they're in the presence of a favorite baby-sitter. In truth, no other woman enjoys being a girl more than this eternal nymphet, the whole of whose existence is an exploration of the feminine experience—from trial to exaltation. 

Her greatest goal in life is to be worthy of having lived it. As such, Taurus seeks to surround herself with "quality" people: In a man she demands the full package—looks, personality, sense of humor, roguish charm, sexual ability, a boyish spirit, and a bankroll that could choke a bull—expecting to be cherished unerringly and in the extreme. 

Her same-sex bonds are an all-out celebration of womanhood, an often earthy-crunchy affair marked by mutual nurturing and a shared journey of self-discovery.

TAURUS MAN: The Sign of Sexual Desire 

  • Dude the obscure: Taurus male is purposefully vague. Achieving his life's ambitions, he operates best by keeping his intentions guarded and others guessing. ... Read more..



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