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Use ♓ PISCES mind-power for success!

There are three general Pisces mental types based on the three possible Zodiac (star) constellation in which Mercury could have been positioned when you were born.  -  ARIES TAURUS GEMINI     CANCER       LEO      VIRGO       LIBRA SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN AQUARIUS      PISCES  -      ZODIAC LOVE           MONTHLY SCOPE    See which description below fits you best. Chances are this will match up with Mercury's position at your time of birth. This knowledge will give you the advantage of knowing how to use your intellectual strengths for success.  1. Mercury positioned in the constellation Pisces at birth indicates ... the gentle, imaginative Pisces mind . Your thinking is more intuitive than logical, but often is inspired. Sensitive and more impressionable, you are easily swayed by a sad story. Best advice for success: Don't let the opinions of others deter you from achieving your goals.  2. Mercury positioned in the constellation Aquarius at birth indicates the imperson

TAURUS & SCORPIO as Friends/Colleagues Compatibility

  Kindred Souls  Camaraderie   With certain people you meet, something clicks immediately. You recognize a kindred spirit. That's probably how it was with you and Scorpio. It's as if this immediate camaraderie originates in some deep inner place that you both inhabit much of the time. Even though you two are considered astrological opposites, this combination works well in most relation-ships and usually feels comfortable if you're colleagues or friends. 


Many astrologers believe that a Synastry connection between the serious planet Saturn and a personal planet such as the Moon is important, enabling the relationship to be long lasting.  However, this can also be a difficult Synastry connection.  👉 Synastry , also known as the relationship astrology, is an interpretation of any established relationships, be it professional, marital, romantic relationships, or others between individuals.. - MOON ( You ) Opposition SATURN ( Your Partner ) Synastry can both suffer from feelings of discontent and insecurity within this union. They work hard to cover up their sense that some emotional warmth is lacking, but there are times when they despair of getting their needs met.  MOON ( You )  feels this lack of emotional warmth keenly. It is difficult for him to relax and feel truly appreciated in this relationship.  SATURN ( Your Partner ) , brings a certain coldness to the union, finding it difficult to generate emotional warmth.  SATURN ( Your Par

Love secret of the WATER SIGN - Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer

♏ SCORPIO born October 23 thru November 1.... -is intense and has all - or- nothing attitude in love.  ♏ SCORPIO born November 2 thru 11 is secretive and looks fora lover who is also mysterious.  ♏ SCORPIO born November 12 thru 21 is inquisitive and wants someone experimental, but faithful. 

TAURUS Secrets of intimacy

TAURUS Secrets of intimacy  Intimacy means being honest and totally accepting of another person. 

Crucial Indicators in the Progressed Chart ( Secondary progression )

Important events are always accompanied by aspects that involve both natal and progressed charts, planets and angular house cusps.  The following guidelines are just a few of the various configurations to help you recognize the major trends or changes about to take place.  To calculate a progress chart (Secondary Progression), you can use an ephemeris or a transit chart. However, I suggest using a transit chart. For example, if you are 30 years old now, look back at the transit chart for the first 30 days of your life. For comprehensive reading 👉 1. Progressed aspects take precedence over the heavy major transits. For example, should the progressed Sun form a square aspect with natal Saturn in the second house of money, and perhaps transiting Jupiter, Saturn or Pluto are trine that same natal Saturn, monetary depletion and restriction will prevail. Major transits may assist in preventing bankruptcy or provide some kind of help from other sources,

Important Features in a Progressed Chart ( Secondary progression )

The information below is a guideline that will help you identify the most important features in a progressed chart ( Secondary progression ) WHAT these influences are, and WHEN we will have to deal with them. The PROGRESSED CHART ( Secondary progression ) provides that information: the  WHAT , the  WHEN ,  and Sometime I tell  HOW . it also tells us HOW LONG! will remain in those status.  👉 1. Note whether the ascending sign is one of long ascension (Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio or Sagittarius), or of short ascension (Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini). 2. Individuals born with short ascension signs rising undergo far more changes in life and of direction than those born under signs of long ascension. Natives with short ascension signs rising often feel as though they have lived many different lives in one lifetime.