How do you typically behave in matters of the heart? According to What is Written in your Star

The Romantic Style of each Zodiac  Sign

Read on to determine your love operating style and that of your romantic prospects.

If you Asking if your Future is Written in the star, I tell you letterally, Here are my Explaination using Astronomy or outside of the scope of Astrology.


1. Aries:

Passion and fiery heat is your love operating style.
You like to go for the gusto, taking bold action on your feelings.

2. Taurus:

Slow and sensual, you know exactly who and what you want....

Your “Earth child” love is comforting and grounding for all who encounter its soothing touch. You are loyal and patient in love and want a partner who appreciates this.


3. Gemini:

A meeting of the minds is your highest value in love.
For you, a stimulating and interesting debate is the best aphrodisiac, as you appreciate intelligence and wit above just about anything else.

4. Cancer:

Dreamy and intuitive, more than anything you want to be able to share your feelings with your partner and feel a sense of connection and understanding.

5. Leo:

Creative and playful, Leo needs passion in love.
You want to entertain and be entertained in relationships, as boredom is the kiss of death.

6. Virgo:

Your analytical, thoughtful, and sometimes moody mentality demands that your mate show you just how much he or she loves you.

7. Libra:

Romantic and social, you are always thinking of thoughtful ways to please your partner.


Crave connection but can get in too deep. Scorpios have a reputation for being the most sensual sign of the Zodiac, but as much as they crave passion in between the sheets, they're also looking to make a deep connection with their partner outside the bedroom. "Scorpios can be very deep and love to discuss all the hidden mysteries of life like psychic phenomenon, astrology, life after death, sex, and so on," 

9. Sagittarius:

Diversity and adventure are a must for you in love. You are enthusiastic and expansive in expressing your affections, but you do best in a relationship where you can have plenty of space to roam free and explore unknown territories.

10. Capricorn:

You are a committed and pragmatic lover and express your affection through actions more than emotions or words.

11. Aquarius:

Freedom and individuality are crucial to your experience of love.

12. Pisces:

Your sensitive and compassionate style of love comes from your deeply spiritual nature.

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