The SUN in FIRST HOUSE of Solar Return Astrology Chart

As astrologers, we frequently think in terms of movement or interpretation from the 1st house to the 2nd house and on to the 3rd house, or from Aries to Taurus to Gemini, etc. 


This is a counterclockwise motion. 
This is necessary to truly capture the meaning of this cycle of angularity. 

So, to fully connect with this pattern of evolution, we will follow the solar return Sun in its own pattern, traveling clockwise year to year.

SOLAR RETURN CHART BASIC : from first house to 12 house 

For the angular houses and for the purpose of presenting a coherent and clear interpretation, we will also start with the 4th house. 

This is a good time to contemplate or begin a new career project or gain the knowledge necessary for a career push. 
What is begun on a personal level moves to the professional arena the following year when the Sun moves to the 10th house. 

You should get ready for an emphasis on work, and you will probably have a need for public recognition during that time.

The Sun in the 1st house asks, 
“What can you accomplish on your own?” 
This is a time to do something by yourself and for yourself. It is likely that you have a project in mind that only you can complete. The 1st house is the house of self-discovery, and you need to explore your talents and limitations in order to assess the feasibility of the project you have in mind. In reality, the project is only a focal point of attention urging you to investigate your own abilities. The true power of this placement lies in what you discover about yourself. Use the newfound traits for personal accomplishment.

If you start something career-wise this year, it will tend to grow and blossom next year when you will receive wider recognition for your work. Use this time to prepare for the career push that could occur next year when the solar return Sun will most likely be in the 10th house.

 Financially, Venus conjunct to Pluto in Solar return chart indicates strong financial changes or complex monetary arrangements, learn more here...

When  MOON SQUARE or OPPOSITE PLUTO in your yearly Solar return chart , When the square or the opposition are involved, these influences are more likely to be propagated by another person, or an external event or situation. Learn more...


The Moon in the 1st house can indicate increased emotional self-awareness during the coming solar return year. Feelings and emotional needs will seem stronger and more urgent, residing just under the surface. Readmore..

Mercury in the 1st house can show that your mind is very focused on self-interest. You will concentrate on your own needs, develop your own ideas and opinions, and/or make your own personal decisions. You will tend to be intellectually independent. Readmore ...

Venus in the 1st house is usually indicative of a gentle demeanor.. You would not wish to hurt anyone’s feelings over transgressions that have occurred in the past, nor for intrusions occurring in the present. It is common to be nonaggressive and even nonassertive with this placement, depending on Mars. readmore...

Your Yearly VENUS  Return chart Aspecting in Jupiter

Venus is known as the lesser and Jupiter is known as the greater benefic. When Venus and Jupiter are in aspect, you can either benefit directly or indirectly through the influence or assistance of another. Readmore ...

This is a year when you seem to have more energy, especially if you do your own thing and enjoy what you are doing. You can get an earlier start, last longer, and work harder. For those who are interested in bodywork, this is a great time for physical exercise. Readmore..

Jupiter in the 1st house implies that personal needs and attributes are becoming increasingly important and future growth may depend on the recognition of these qualities. 
The potential for personal success and progress during this year is great, but .. Readmore...

Saturn in the 1st house is a self-imposed limitation, and it is likely you will restrict yourself or your behavior for one reason or another during the coming year. read more..

Uranus in the 1st house of the solar return is usually indicative of strong and dramatic transitions. It is very likely that you will consider making a major change in your lifestyle, location, or even appearance during the coming year... Read More...

In its very highest manifestation, Neptune in the 1st house is associated with a renewed commitment of the self to a higher force or principle. This placement implies spirituality in being and in action...Read More...

Pluto in the 1st house indicates a strong desire for self-control and an emphasis on personal power issues during the coming year. Positively, ..Read More ...

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